In "Short Stories and Assorted Nightmares," you'll be led on a journey from the everyday to the extraordinary. This collection of nine deliciously wicked tales and curiosities piques the imagination, conjures stirrings in the darkest corners of the mind and will appeal to fans of horror and science fiction alike.
Join the crew of a Consolidated B-24 heavy bomber on a mission that becomes a nightmare ... or is it a nightmare that becomes a mission?
Learn what can happen when attempting to cheat fate by taking advice from a chatty parrot.
Excavate ancient ruins on another world but be prepared for what or who might be uncovered.
What would happen if Earth was facing its final days? How would you spend your last hours?
It’s been half a century since we went to the moon. Join a privately funded endeavor to return … and see the lengths to which our government will go to keep the truth hidden.
Learn why some folks aren’t simply insomniacs but would prefer not to sleep.
Travel with five family members (one of whom is in an ern) and redefine dysfunction.
What would you do if your security cameras started watching you?
If you think suicide is a way out, you may want to consult with David before doing anything rash.